Thursday, February 27, 2020

A brief proposal outlining your course research paper Article

A brief proposal outlining your course research paper - Article Example ay Traffic Safety Administration, Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, etc., NHSDA and HCA, research writers Ralph Hingson, et al., of the Boston University School of Public Health, Boston University School of Public Health, Center to Prevent Alcohol Problems Among Young People, Boston, Massachusetts conducted a wide ranging series of research studies on student drinking. Their studies, interalia, shall underpin the culmination of the final research paper for your submission. (Hingson, et al. 2005). (a) Population: During the year 1999, of the 14,138 full-time students selected in unbiased manner in 128 4-year colleges and universities, 6220 (44%) reported at least one heavy drinking episode in the previous year, similar to the 1993 studies. (b) Incidence: About one fourth (23%) frequently drank in this manner (3 or more times in the past 2 weeks), up from 20% in 1993. Similarly, the National Monitoring the Future study reported 40% of 1440 full-time 2- and 4-year college students surveyed in 1999, consumed five or more drinks, on a single occasion, at least once in the previous 2 weeks, a larger percentile than founding peer groups, a greater proportion than found among same-age noncollege peers (35%) and high school seniors (31%). (Hingson, et al. 2005). (c) Significance: It is seen that, taking 1998-2001 years, in the aftermath of the studies, the US Population aged 18-24 increased by 7%, whereas, the death occurring due to accidents, under the influence of alcohol, increased by 11%. Again, US student population in age group 18–24 increased 3%, but the number of alcohol-related traffic deaths among 18–24-year-old students increased 8%. Thus, it is believed that 5% increase in rate of alcohol-related traffic deaths from 14.4 to 15.2 per 100,000 college students [RR = 1.05 (95% CI 0.98, 1.14)] reached but could quite achieved statistical significance. (Hingson, et al). It needs to consider the indirect effects of drinking, like drug consumption,

Monday, February 10, 2020

Essay/story Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

/story - Essay Example She was already in Turkey, where she was now waiting for her mother Rose and her step-father Mustapha (Shafak 2007). She had the entire plan in her mind, coded and programmed, where she knew exactly how to target the enemies. One by one, she would take down each and everyone after which her Armenian blood would be satiated. Only after seeking revenge would she be able to return to America, and start a new life with little regrets and massive satisfaction. After having confirmed that Asya was indeed Zeliha`s daughter via a DNA test she had conducted before, she now had a leverage over Zeliha. She dug deeper to find out who the father of Asya was since she had her apprehensions when she sensed the discomfort in Zeliha`s eyes over the subject. She found rather odd that a bold audacious woman like Zeliha would abstain from accepting Asya as her own daughter, and more so as to keep Asya in the dark over who her father was. To dig deeper, Armanoush went ahead to investigate about all the past affairs Zeliha was having by the time she had conceived Asya. She had to find out who Asya`s father was, to further aggrandize the leverage over the situation which she had planned on exploiting later. Also, she was well aware of Mustsapha`s hesitation over visitng Turkey. In all these years, how come Mustapha never even thought of visiting his family, the Kazancis (Shafak 2007). She knew something was wrong, and she was determined to find out. Her instincts were telling her to plot a confrontation between Mustapha and aunt Zeliha, and she was sure something would pop, since Zeliha felt so uncomfortable with the idea of Mustapha visiting. Thus, that night, while her parents would arrive, she had planned out an episode to ensure a direct confrontation between Zeliha and Mustapha. Armanoush and Asya, along with Aunt Banu were leaving the doorway while aunty Zeliha came after them, perplexed and anguished at the same time. ‘Asya, come back here you.