Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Management Style - 1011 Words

Running head: TOUGH GUY Tough Guy Allen Gaudinier, Jessica Hetrick, Tabitha Nelson Sullivan University Managing Organizational Conflict CMM521 Dr. Arango February 20, 2011 Tough Guy Jeremy Frazer is an associate in investment banking that has to work with Chip Mazey the vice president. Mazey is a disgruntled vice president that was never polite and refused to take no for an answer. However Frazer is faced with the challenge of confronting Mazey about his behavior, but he is concerned if Mazey deny his behavior or do not think there is a problem. Frazer is also worried if he should escalate his issues with Mazey’s boss about the stories his coworkers had shared. Frazer has gathered all this information on Mazey which†¦show more content†¦First, and foremost, we need to recognize that Mazey ultimately needs to change his management style—this would correct the issues altogether. Mazey needs to loosen up a bit when working alongside of others and get his power issues under control—as all the employees are now becoming very aggravated and uncomfortable working with him. As mentioned before, Mazey is currently operating on the competing shark management style—at the up most extreme—which isn’t right for this particular situation. Mazey needs to get on the board with the collaborating owl management style—which is a win-win environment. The collaborating owl management style will introduce a variety of things that will help Mazey be liked and easier to work with—for example, he will have to focus on identifying goals for the company and the relationships that are present. This management style will also help find solutions to problems that will be agreeable to all sides, as said before, is a win-win solution—with all negative feelings eliminated. Most often this management style is used when building or maintaining relationships is of most importance along with peer conflict being present. The only drawback with this management style is that it is very time consuming which means that Mazey will have to stick with it—basically do a 180 from where he is at rig ht now. Mazey also needs to work on his relationships throughout the company as many of the employee’s dread performing/workingShow MoreRelatedManagement Style1277 Words   |  6 PagesAs you may know, different management styles are required in different parts of the world. It is important to choose the right management style for each situation, which is a key to success for an organization. All managers use a management process which consists of planning, organizing, leading and controlling. So they have to perform many roles in an enterprise. What they can do with various situations will totally depend on their style of management. A management style is an overall method of leadershipRead MoreManagement Styles1016 Words   |  5 PagesThere are several very different types of management styles ranging from democratic which allows the subordinates to play an active role in the decisions that management makes to autocratic which cuts the subordinate out of the decision mak ing process allowing those in management to make a unilateral decision. Both styles have their proponents as well as their detractors. This paper will outline the various forms of management and attempt to clarify and categorize their various strengths and weaknessesRead MoreManagement Styles1486 Words   |  6 PagesThe management culture provides the developing direction of a company. It decides the characteristic and company culture in an enterprise. However, the style can be influenced by certain factors, such as, policy, history background, social system, international competition. In this essay, three management styles and two company types will be indentified and discussed. Management style belongs to management strategy; it can be composed of operation strategy, company culture and managers. ToRead MoreManagement Styles Analysis1456 Words   |  6 PagesManagement Styles Management is a far-running subject and there are many definitions of management. From my point of view, management is described as a process to get something done in the business environment. It is the person called Manager who gets various jobs done by assign works to people working with him/her. How the Manager can get the things done effectively and efficiently is an important problem that should be researched. Robert Tannenbaum and Warren H. Schmidt (1958, 1973), who arguedRead MoreThe Autocratic Style Of Management922 Words   |  4 PagesManagement is a key part in any organizations. Managers are the people that make the decisions that affect everybody below them.This job is very demanding and requires people to be attentive to their surroundings, situations, and their co-workers to be truly effective. Naturally, not every person is going to manage a group of workers the same way, but there are predefined terms to describe how managers manage. There is the autocratic style, t he democratic style, the chaotic style, and managementRead MoreThe Autocratic Management Style As A Non Effective Style1077 Words   |  5 PagesThe Autocratic Management style is not hard to distinguish in the workplace. Opinions are kept to themselves concerning the firm’s approach to cases, and all employees know what they are expected to do and not do. In this management style only one attorney is in charge and he or she resolves all issues. This type of management style can be thought of as more of a dictatorship. They can be found in small-scale offices and there is only one attorney proprietor. The staff is never in doubt aboutRead MoreAn Introduction to Management Styles3058 Words   |  13 PagesUnit 4001 - An Introduction to Management Styles 1. Be able to understand assumptions about human nature and managerial behaviour. 1.1 Identify models which make suppositions about human nature and behaviour at work Theory X and Theory Y represent two sets of assumptions about human nature and human behaviour that are relevant to the practice of management. They describe two contrasting models of workforce motivation. Theory X represents a negative view on of human nature that assumes individualsRead More4001 Management Styles3336 Words   |  14 PagesUNIT 4001 – An Introduction to Management Style By: Peter Collins Candidate Number: P04352307 Question 1 a) Select two models that were covered on the training programme, which make suppositions about human nature and how people behave at work, and briefly describe them. b) With reference to these models, discuss how individual attitudes and assumptions can influence your behaviour as a manager. Question 2 a) Describe the three management styles of Laissez-Faire, Participative and AutocraticRead MoreThe Relationship between the Structure, Culture, and Management Styles in Tescos1070 Words   |  5 PagesThe Relationship between the Structure, Culture, and Management Styles in Tescos There is a clear relationship between the structure, culture and management styles in Tescos here are some examples showing this: Tescos uses power culture which has a top down (tall structure) whereby objectives are determined by the individual or individuals. This structure is also linked in with an autocratic management style as this structure tends to have a ‘them and us attitude’ whichRead More The Management Style at Cadbury Essay1083 Words   |  5 PagesA description of the management style used at Cadbury There are three main management styles that a business can have these are:  · Democratic  · Consultative  · Autocratic  · Laissez-faire Cadbury’s management style is democratic. This is when all members of staff work together as a team. The managers listen to the other employees ideas and suggestions before they go ahead with decisions. If ideas are found to be achievable and successful by the senior group, then it is taken forward

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