Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Social Responsibility Indicator System †Free Samples to Students

Question: Discuss about the Social Responsibility Indicator System. Answer: Introduction: The level of the human and the material injury and loss from a certain industrial process is referred to as tolerable by a society and the authorities when it is viewed from a social, political and economic cost benefit analysis. The risk is accepted in a given context that is based on the current values of the society. The individuals prefer to deal in the terms of the acceptable risk, which is defined as the risk that is tolerated based on the worth in the society (Zhou, Goh Li, 2015). The two reasons for the increasing fatality trend in the construction industry despite the mandatory audit scheme and surveillance are: Firstly, fewer inspections are being performed at the construction sites. This is the primary concern that is the reason behind the rising numbers of the construction site accidents. Secondly, the builder at times cut corners on the expenses in the name of profitability. The lack of the proper safety protocols could lead to the increase in the construction injury cases (McNeil, Frey Embrechts, 2015). The accidents at the construction sites may also take place due to the electrical failures, mechanical defects, insufficient training and the lack and failure of the safety equipment. There should be proper use of tools and equipments that causes the fall accidents in the construction sites. The workers need to use the equipments suitable for the works that they are carrying out. There should be adequate housekeeping at the construction site. The risk is due to the poor site conditions at the construction sites. Then there are the unsafe working conditions. The workers work at a high elevation in this industry, which is dangerous, compared to the other industries (Ismail, Doostdar Harun, 2012). The exposure to the high elevation causes the severity of the fall in the construction sites. Hence, the provision of proper harnesses and ladders. The workers are fatigued from all the work at the sites and suffer from pains and aches and should be given time to rest to reduce physical and emotional stress. Then there is safety management manual and innovative technology to be provided. The flow of information between the workers and the builders will reduce the accidents and injuries in the construction sites. The mechanical updating of the construction machinery and the equipment and chemical reparation will decrease the fatality trend in the construction industry despite the mandatory audit scheme and surveillance (Kerzner, 2013). Majority of the small and medium sized enterprises try to comply with the requirement of the establishment of the safety management system and taking up the responsibility of safety. The five possible reasons for non-compliance are : the employees may feel the safety equipments interfere with their work, the employees find the personal protective equipment uncomfortable the employees are unaware about the need of the safety equipments the using of these equipments is a hassle and in the rush to be more productive the employees cut corners The personal protective equipment may not be enough cool for the workers to use. Under the Safety Management Regulation, the contractors and the proprietors of the industrial undertakings need to develop, implement and maintain safety in respect to the undertakings safety management system (Glendon, Clarke McKenna, 2016). The identification of the risk by the method of risk management helps to manage the risks. Tools and techniques are to be adopted by the firms to help to identify these risks and control them. The other program is the emergency management technique that involves the fire drills, mock drills and the evacuation drills. There should be longer terms for reconstruction and emergency relief interventions. The management has to be in a holistic setting so that there is mitigation of the potential hazards and embracing of the agenda of sustainability. The sequence of actions following the accident should have fulfilled the requirements of the Singapore Standard. The road in the factory that had been wet due to the rain should have been kept dry and clean to avoid any accidents. The safe work practices are very necessary for these types of situations. The view of the forklift driver was partially obstructed due to the high loads that were being carried by them truck. To manage these kinds of risks there should have been risk management techniques used by the company. The safety inspections if had been carried out then the accident could have been avoided. The issue of safety should be an integral part of the construction company. All the employees should be held accountable for the safety and the safety rules that have to be enforced. The safety performance of the sub-contractors should be part of the procurement process of the company. The workers should be properly trained according to their job requirement in the construction sites. There should be the focus on the causes of the injuries and the accidents that are taking place at the sites. There should be investigation of all the accidents and the near misses that have occurred to determine the cause of these accidents and improvement of the safety procedure for the future (Griffith, Stephenson Watson, 2014). To incorporate the well-being of the worker given the discovery of his chronic medical condition the company should have identified these risks both through qualitative and quantitative perceptions. The workers are fatigued from all the work at the sites and suffer from pains and aches and should be given time to rest to reduce physical and emotional stress. The company should provide health checkups for the workers so that they are fit to continue their job (Harris McCaffer, 2013). There should be the availability of health insurances for the workers so that they can be treated if such scenarios arise. The five performance indicators for ensuring the CAPA are: A sound and development process to track the root cause of the accidents and the analysis of the situation occurred so improvement of the safety measure. There should be tracking and analyzing to ensure that the employees are performing appropriately and addressing all the root causes. The new threats and risks that may arise in the future should be managed. There should be proper feedback taken from the workers so that the organization is aware of the issues. The employees and the workers should be allowed to avail the benefits and be motivated to work (Zhao et al., 2012). References Glendon, A. I., Clarke, S., McKenna, E. (2016).Human safety and risk management. Crc Press. Griffith, A., Stephenson, P., Watson, P. (2014).Management systems for construction. Routledge. Harris, F., McCaffer, R. (2013).Modern construction management. John Wiley Sons. Ismail, Z., Doostdar, S., Harun, Z. (2012). Factors influencing the implementation of a safety management system for construction sites.Safety science,50(3), 418-423. Kerzner, H. (2013).Project management: a systems approach to planning, scheduling, and controlling. John Wiley Sons. McNeil, A. J., Frey, R., Embrechts, P. (2015).Quantitative risk management: Concepts, techniques and tools. Princeton university press. Zhao, Z. Y., Zhao, X. J., Davidson, K., Zuo, J. (2012). A corporate social responsibility indicator system for construction enterprises.Journal of cleaner production,29, 277-289. Zhou, Z., Goh, Y. M., Li, Q. (2015). Overview and analysis of safety management studies in the construction industry.Safety science,72, 337-350.

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